Monday, April 25, 2011


Recently I went back home because I had this terrible home sick. Is that even a correct way to use it. Who cares. I had fun even though it was for only 5 days 4 nights. My youngest brother, Minic, was very good to me. He didn't throw much tantrum and he was much well behaved compared to the past few months. I guess pre-school kinda teach him to be well mannered. :D

So, I had fun at home. I ate good food. Celebrated my younger brother, Martin's 17th birthday on the 20th April and played around at the park. At night, I listened to Minic reciting his ABC and 123 (which is in Mandarin) and watch him draw and colors.

Ah, this is a picture of me, Minic drew:
Nice right? :D Though, when I said "It looks like you drew a ghost." He replied, "No, that's is you kakak (sister)." aaa... I see. xD

I love my brother non the less. :))))

So, I need to study. Finals are coming in a few days. Later all!

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